Privacy Policy

How do I order?

You are encouraged to place orders through the BeInspiredBooks website.

You can also order via email or mail order. As these orders will be manually processed by BeInspiredBooks, you will incur a non-refundable AUD $10 handling fee in addition to the listed price on the BeInspiredBooks website, and postage.

Please note, BeInspiredBooks only delivers to Australia and New Zealand.

How does pricing work?

All items on the BeInspiredBooks website are listed in Australian dollars (AUD), and are inclusive of GST.

If you place an order outside of Australia, the credit card company used by BeInspiredBooks will convert the listed price and charge you in your own currency.

Do the prices ever vary?

Yes, prices can vary, but BeInspiredBooks will always aim to supply your order at the listed price.

As part of preparing your order for delivery, BeInspiredBooks will re-confirm the listed price with the usual supplier for that item.

Where the item price varies within 10% of the listed price, BeInspiredBooks will absorb the increase and proceed with processing and delivering your order. BeInspiredBooks will adjust the listed price for that item on the BeInspiredBooks website after processing your order.

If the item price has varied by more than 10% with the usual supplier, BeInspiredBooks will endeavour to find an alternative edition for the same price.  If BeInspiredBooks cannot find an alternative, BeInspiredBooks will pass the price difference on to you.  BeInspiredBooks will not process your order until you have been advised of the new item price and you have authorised BeInspiredBooks to proceed with the order at the new item price.

BeInspiredBooks will use the message centre in your BeInspiredBooks account to consult with you. You will have a 48 hour window, from the time advice of the new item price is sent to you in the message centre, to authorise BeInspiredBooks to proceed with the order. BeInspiredBooks will not process your order where authorisation is received after the 48 hour window expires. In this instance, you can place a new order for that item through the BeInspiredBooks website which will reflect an adjusted listed price.

What if I have ordered multiple items?

BeInspiredBooks will automatically process and deliver any other items in your order that are readily available once the 48 hour window expires.

What if the item is no longer in stock?

BeInspiredBooks is not obligated to sell an item at the listed price (or adjusted listed price) if the item cannot be sourced from the usual supplier.  This can occur at any time up until you are due to receive the goods.  BeInspiredBooks will use the message centre in your BeInspiredBooks account to advise you if this situation arises.

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